
BATSU! Moon with Underbelly Presents...


created by Face off Unlimited


Who's Who - The Cast

Click on names to jump to their bio....

David Hoskin (London)

Mariko Iwasa (NYC)

Nicky Khor (NYC)

Jin Kim (Chicago)

Cassie Middlemist (Chicago)

Jay Miller (NYC)

Tim Neeser (Chicago)

Jay Painter (NYC)

Eric Robinson (Chicago)

Miu Soda (NYC)

Sanj Surati (London)

Joe Tex (NYC)

Brian Walters (NYC)

Lorraine Yu (London)

Steve Zegers (NYC)

Listen for announcements introducing tonight's cast.

Then, come back and catch 'em all!


Who's Who - BATSU! Moon

Jay Painter

Artistic Director

Eric Robinson

Chief Financial Officer

Joe Tex

Director of Operations

Heather Shields

Executive Producer

Noriko Sato

Creative Producer

Brian Walters

Associate Artistic Director

Whit Baldwin

Company Manager


About BATSU!

Long ago, an evil force known as

Batsu no Akuma (罰の悪魔)

– the spirit of punishment–

was feared throughout the land. Many fought with ​swords and bows, but none could defeat the evil ​spirit. That is, until they discovered its new weakness: ​comedy.

Using the power of laughter, comedy warriors ​trapped the spirit within the Batsu no Kane (罰の鐘)

– the gong of punishment.

Over centuries, the spirit traveled the world waiting ​for the gong to be struck. Tonight the spirit of Batsu ​no Akuma rises again, eager to punish new victims.

BATSU! is committed to providing performance ​opportunities for East and South East Asian/AAPI ​artists and in promoting positive international ​fellowship through the fusion of two cultures and ​styles of comedy. We are dedicated to equity, ​diversity, inclusion, accessibility, and belonging. All ​in the name of hilarity!


What's That Mean?

  • Batsu (罰): punishment. The batsu game is a ​Japanese style of comedy that features a series of ​challenges, where losers face hilarious punishments.
  • Arigato Gozaimasu (ありがとうございます): Thank ​you very much.
  • Hachimaki (鉢巻): a Japanese headband that is ​worn as a symbol of strength and courage. And also ​a signal for our Sake Ninja to refill your glass.
  • Hajime (はじめ): begin. Your host will use this to ​announce the start of tonight’s challenges.
  • Irasshaimase (いらっしゃいませ): Welcome!
  • Minasan ( 皆さん): everyone. You’ll hear your host ​use this to address the warriors and audience ​tonight.
  • Ojigi (お辞儀): the act of bowing, often used to ​greet or show respect in Japan.
  • Oshibori (おしぼり): a warm hand towel to get you ​ready for all that sushi!
  • ~san (さん): a suffix added to the end of a name as ​a sign of endearment or respect.
  • Youi Wa E Desuka? (用意はいいですか): “Are you ​ready?” Hint: the answer is hai はい!(or yes!)

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Isabella Victorie A.

Roles: Frauline, Ballerina

Roles played include Penthesilea (Kleist), Portia ('The ​Merchant of Venice') and Rosalind ('As you like it'). Venues ​performed at include The Vienna State Opera, Estrel Berlin, ​Wiener Stadthalle and Sadler's Wells Theatre London. In her ​work as a Theatre Maker and Performance Artist Isabella ​focusses on raising awareness for subjects around ​psychology, mental health and socio-political issues. A ​proud member of the Original London Cast of BATSU!, she ​is thrilled to be bringing the joy to Edinburgh and to be ​sharing the stage with an international team. Thanks to ​everyone who supports us!

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Abe Abraham

Role: Warrior

Abe Abraham: so good they named him one and a half ​times. An improviser, standup and clown, Abe has been ​performing across London for 5 years. Expertly trained by ​The Second City, The Free Association, and Gaulier alumni. ​Expertly unleashed by BATSU!

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Frank Angelini

Role: Warrior

Frank has performed in various comedy venues around NYC ​for 15 years. He is the former artistic director of The Queens ​Secret Improv Club (QSIC) and was a teacher at The ​Annoyance Theater. Frank is usually called “a wildcard” on ​stage, and even amongst the extremely hardcore performer ​lineup of BATSU!, he is “the crazy one.”


Liam Arnold

Role: Warrior

Liam is an actor and writer based in South London. His ​credits include "Crystal Maze LIVE Experience" ​(Shaftesbury Avenue), "Bareface" (Southwark Playhouse), ​and "Extreme Improv Comedy" (Camden Comedy Club). He ​is also associate artist of the award-winning theatre ​company 'Dangerosity'.

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Whit Baldwin

Roles: Warrior, Jacquo, Ballerinbro,

Plunderin' Pirate Peter

A former moderately successful musical theatre actor ​turned comedy performer, Whit serves as the show’s ​Company Manager and has been performing in the show ​since February 2011. His unparalleled ability to split his ​pants during performances has earned him the nickname, ​"Pants Watch." May you be lucky enough to be at one of ​these performances! He is followed by at least 2 famous ​people on Twitter. Father to Betty and Husband to Jenny. ​Everything he does is for his girls. Before you ask … yes he’s ​a Baldwin brother (just ask his sister Nicole “in Winston -​Salem") Instagram and Twitter: @whitbaldwin

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Jacqui Bardelang

Roles: Host, Overture Performer

Jacqui Bardelang is an actor, director and drag king known ​as Sigi Moonlight. A regular on the London cabaret scene, ​Jacqui has performed all over from Shakespeare's Globe to ​Glastonbury Music Festival and has been featured on ​Netflix and BBC3. Credits include: Baldur's Gate 3, The ​Nevers, Modest, Mulan Rouge.

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Ena Begovic

Roles: Shinobi, Trainer,

Overture Performer

Ena is an award-winning Croatian actress and ​dancer based in London. Outside of BATSU!, ​her recent accomplishments include ​producing and staring in her own offie ​nominated one woman show ‘Bloody ​Influencers’ and being cast in the upcoming ​Netflix series Fool Me Once.

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Jen Bergum

Roles: Warrior, Frauline

Having passed her official 10 year mark as a New Yorker, ​Jen would like to promptly tell everyone, FUC.. wait, she ​still has some Minnesota left in her so... fuchsia is a ​lovely color & you should all wear it more often.

She's an actor, singer, dancer-ish who plays piano, harp ​and a funny person onstage. She's dabbled in stand-up, ​guitar and krav maga so she's able to torture you in ​many different ways!

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Kelsey Blackwell

Roles: Warrior, Farm Girl

Kelsey Blackwell is from Memphis, TN and ‘s speaking ​about herself in third person. After double-majoring in ​Theatre performance and Pre-law at MTSU, she followed ​the money and went with comedy over law school. She’s ​been fabulously wealthy ever since. Theatre: Nora from A ​Doll’s House, Yelena from Uncle Vanya, and Mouse from ​A Year with Frog and Toad. Interactive theatre: ​icon/scare actor at 13th Floor Haunted House and a cast ​member/detective for The Dinner Detective. Improv: ​Batsu, Dogprov, Improvised Fairytales, Starship Edsel, ​Malarkey House Teams, and Edgar Allan Poe Prov. She ​also teaches improv, standup, and acting to kids through ​Virtual Performing Arts Academy and (with Brookie Natal) ​co-hosts a monthly variety show called The Mile High ​Comedy Show at Virgin Hotel Chicago. She’s thrilled to ​support the amazing work of all her best friends who are ​also her favorite comedians.




Roles: Warrior

Cameron Carnegie-Brown is an actor and model from a ​place known famously for its puddings. Cameron has ​performed internationally with White Horse theatre and is ​currently signed with The Dreamers MGMT. Cameron was ​honoured to join BATSU! with so many talented performers. ​He’s going to try and prove he’s not just a pretty face ​because you can laugh at it too…

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JC Ceccherelli

Roles: Warrior, Jaquo, Plundering

Pirate Peter, Chicken

John Charles "JC" Ceccherelli is a New York born-and-​based stage, improv, and voice actor, trained in various ​techniques at NYU Tisch School of the Arts. When he's ​not doing comedy at BATSU! NYC, fighting with ​medieval weapons at the New York Renaissance Faire, ​or recording a new audiobook or voicing an animated ​character, he's a full-time professional Game Master ​for Dungeons & Dragons and other roleplaying games. ​He also enjoys gaming, all things nerd culture, traveling ​around the world and sampling new cuisine, and ​getting lost in a good fantasy novel.


Mr. Chicken

Roles: uhhhhh......

Scholars disagree on when Mr. Chicken hatched. ​Legend says he flew the coop early in the Edo Era, ​while others believe it was the early 1980s. By early ​2010 Mr. Chicken was scrambling to find his place in ​NYC pecking away at fowl jobs like hosting karaoke ​nights and singing telegrams. It felt like the sky was ​falling. Beginning to feel lost, like an uninformed ​traveler, he rolled into BATSU! NYC, found his flock, ​and never looked back.

Look for his upcoming memoir in bookstores ​everywhere, “Go Cluck Yourself: The Inspiring Tale of a ​Big Chicken Making it in an Even Bigger City.” ​Although The Times panned it, saying the book was “A ​Yolk,” they did say that, “With all its pictures and large ​print type, at least it will be over easy."*


Brandon Drap

Role: Warrior

Brandon is excited to join the cast of BATSU! ​and get goofy on stage. Brandon has been ​performing in Chicago for (around) 1 billion ​years. He can also be seen in ComedySportz, ​PortalProv, Starship Edsel, The TomCat ​Trumpet Experience and many more crazy ​things! He hopes you enjoy the show!

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Gregory Fung

Roles: Wrestler, Shinobi

Ex-Scientist Greg is an Actor, Comedian, ​and Painter. You can catch him in the ​Marvel Universe in Doctor Strange 2 and ​in some of your favourite commercials. ​Whatever he is up to, Greg strives to ​inspire and spread positivity through all ​his work and isn’t afraid to share his ​peculiar take on the world with you all!

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Courtnay Griswold

Role: Warrior

When she’s not performing at BATSU!, ​Courtnay is the Emcee/Lead vocalist for ​Mission Dance, New Jersey’s most versatile ​and high energy event band!


Pika Hoop

Roles: Co-Host, Overture Performer

Pika is a Brighton based Japanese hula hoop ​performer/flow artist. She uses multiple ​hoops, LED hoops, veil fans and unique props ​like an umbrella and heart shaped hoop. She ​is energetic, cheeky and does crazy hula ​hooping! You will be entertained with her ​hooptastic performance!

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David Hoskin

Roles: Warrior, Jaquo, Plundering

Pirate Peter

David is a physical performer, writer and comic. ​He is an alumni of Ecole Philippe Gaulier and ​Soho Theatre Comedy Labs Plus. He can be seen ​in his horror mime comedy show "A Haunted ​House" at the Edinburgh Fringe.

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Nicky Khor

Roles: Warrior, Ninja, Wrestler

Originally from Penang, Malaysia, Nicky washed ​ashore the Oregon coast at the tender age of ​ten. There he swiftly dropped his accent and ​picked up an affinity for writing in the third ​person. Nicky now lives in NYC, working as a ​performer and actor. He enjoys Brazilian Jiu-​Jitsu, D&D, and the sound of hair being cut. Alum ​of Whitman College, NTI, and the app co. at ​Horizon Theatre. Legend has it, he’s the reason ​the Mona Lisa smiles. Hi ChaCha!

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Mariko Iwasa

Roles: Co-Host, Bad Teacher,

Overture Performer

Originally from Japan, Mariko Iwasa is a Physical comedian, ​Clown and Tap dancer based in New York. .She toured with ​the Ringling Brothers as a circus clown before winning the title ​of best supporting actress at the Syracuse Area Live Theater ​Awards in their production of “A Charlie Brown Christmas”. ​And recently she worked on “The Play That Goes Wrong” as ​role Annie. Her recent work include cabaret shows in New York ​and Japan, including yearly collaboration concerts with the ​Tokyo Philharmonic.

Mariko regularly clowns around with the NY-based vaudeville ​and circus company— Bindlestiff Family Circus. By day, she is a ​Healthcare therapeutic clown with Healthy Humor, bringing joy ​to pediatric patients and by nocturnally she dazzles as the ​emcee host, co-host and plays characters of BATSU!

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Jin Kim

Roles: Host, Warrior

A 20+ year veteran of stage and screen, ​Jin is so very grateful to be back. Thank ​you for attending BATSU!


Cassie Middlemist

Roles: Co-Host, Warrior

Cassie Middlemist is an actor, comedian, and ​writer– mostly she’s just happy to be here! She’s ​been featured at the Laugh Factory, Lincoln Lodge, ​Annoyance, and Newport Theaters– though she ​loves to perform at festivals, dive bars, and ​alleyways just as much. When she’s not here, she’s ​co-producing the monthly variety show, Lone Wolf. ​She is proudly represented by Dream Team Talent ​Agency. Have a BLAST-su <3 (heh.) And since you’re ​already on your phone, go ahead– follow her on ​instagram! (@communitydivacup) Oh! And to ​houston, mom, dad, robert, and ryan – thank u / i ​love u with my whole heart.


Jay Miller

Roles: Warrior, Jacquo, Plundering

Pirate Peter

Jay Miller, the comedic talent from Brooklyn, is known for his ​long-term stint as a writer/producer on the hit show ​Impractical Jokers. While Jay has a diverse range of ​achievements under his belt, he remains humble and prefers ​not to boast about them. Catch him as the charismatic host of ​Karaoke Tremendous, the hottest Friday night afterparty at ​Union Hall. Prepare to be entertained and amazed by his ​comedic prowess. Compliment him after the show if you dare, ​but be ready for his expert deflection skills. Jay Miller: a ​serious comedian with a knack for hosting the best late-night ​karaoke party in Brooklyn.*

* This was written by Chat GPT

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Tim Neeser

Roles: Warrior, Sound Tech

Nicknames: Timmy, Timbo, DJ Lowercase

Hometown: South Bend, Indiana

Height: Maybe too much

Eyes: Average

Likes: Causin' a ruckus

Dislikes: No snacks

Attack/Defense: 3,050/1,300

Favorite Audience Member: YOU


Jay Painter

Roles: Director, Warrior

Sensei Jay is honored to impart the ancient comedy art of ​Batsu-do to today’s Warriors. As FOU Artistic Director he co-​created and directed BATSU! (NYC, Chicago), Goon River ​and NADS (Times Square Arts Center), A Whole ’Nother Level ​(tour), Two Gentlemen of Verona (Secret Theatre), and many ​more. Jay helmed Aquila’s Shakespeare Leaders for 10 ​seasons, with such shows as Much Ado About Nothing (Alvin ​Ailey Dance Center), A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Gym at ​Judson), Romeo and Juliet (NYU Kimmel Center). In lockdown ​he directed two virtual shows: FOU’s Tap That! (live ​interactive dating show) and the noir magic comedy Victor ​Chance (New Place Players). He’s currently developing and ​directing the definitive musical play about the Mothman of ​his native WV (American Lore Theatre).

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Eric Robinson

Role: Warrior

Eric is one of the creators of BATSU! and founders of ​FOU where he serves as CFO (earning that exquisite ​title by being the most skilled person on the team at ​paying the bills on time and saying 'no' to frivolous ​expenses). Currently based out of Windy City - he ​oversees the equally awesome BATSU! Chicago. When ​he's not wearing his business socks, he works as an ​actor, director, and coach. (J/K, he's always wearing his ​business socks......always.) Most important of all, he's ​dad to boy-king Lincoln and dog-dad to the fierce and ​terrifying tissue shredder, Kain. Love to his incredible ​parents, siblings, niece and nephews..and of course, ​Ashley and Stan.


Noriko Sato

120% Japanese former NCAA Basketball player! Born ​and raised in Japan, Noriko once got banned from ​continuing her school trip! When her parents couldn’t ​handle her no more, they shipped her to Canada where ​she started learning Theatre!! She broke many ​ankles&hearts and dunked (using stacked up chairs) on ​basketball courts in College!!! Noriko and BATSU! are ​meant to be together! She has soooo much love for ​BATSU! which is obvious from her passionate and loving ​way of punishing ppl!!!ケーキとバスケが大好き!


Miu Soda

Role: Co-Host, Overture Performer

Miu Soda aka Queen Miu, is a Japanese singer-​songwriter, dancer and actress based in NYC.

She produces musical comedy with Chikyu to The Moon.

She is trained in Rollerskates Dance, Karate, and Martial ​Arts. Her choreography and songs are inspired and ​created with trash displays, her life style, and pop ​culture.

Pop music meets technology waste.

She was featured on America's Got Talent, NYFW ​Michael Kors, Cynthia Rowley, and many more.

Her enthusiasm and energy makes everybody around her ​break into laughter.

"BATSU is the BEST!! I am always excited to be here "

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Sanj Surati

Role: Warrior

Known for his piercing eyes, his uncanny ​wit and his booming charm, Sanj Surati is a ​stand-up comedian, improviser and actor ​from London, England. Sanj is officially ​part of the MCU, is a beat boxer for an ​improv hip hop crew called Track 96 and is ​a trustee at the English Touring Theatre.

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Joe Tex

Role: Warrior

As an original Warrior, Joe has appeared in hundreds of ​performances, enduring approximately 4,269 painful and ​ridiculous punishments. Joe serves as the Director of ​Operations and is a Partner at Face Off Unlimited, as ​well as being one of the creators of BATSU!

Tex is a voice actor (represented by DDO) who has ​appeared on TV in a few projects you likely haven't seen ​like Brainchild (NETFLIX) and Brain Games (Nat Geo).

As a USMC veteran and recent cancer survivor, he is ​simply grateful to be here. Joe sends his love to his ​beautiful wife, Linda, and their son, Henry.

Tag me @joetexonline (everywhere)

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Brian Walters

Role: Host

Brian is a bilingual and bicultural half Japanese/half ​American ​actor and host.

He has been hosting BATSU! NYC since 2012!

Raised in Japan, he got his start on the Japanese ​equivalent of ​the Mickey Mouse Club, "Tensai ​Terebi Kun". In America, Brian ​has been seen in ​numerous commercials, TV Shows/Movies ​(Ash ​Ketchum in Epic Rap Battles, Blue Bloods, HBO's ​Lisey's ​Story). He has also MCed for the likes of the ​Japan Society, ​Uniqlo, The UN SDG Forum, and hosted the National Japan ​Bowl and the ​Washington DC Sakura Festival.

Brian is super excited to be back hosting BATSU! at the ​​Edinburgh Fringe Festival this August!

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Lorraine Yu

Roles: Shinobi, Farm Girl

Lorraine Yu is an actor and ​capoeirista based in ​Brighton. She ​has been exploring life outside of ​Hong ​Kong since early 2020 and is ​very, very excited about getting down ​on the BATSU! stage.

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Steve Zegers

Roles: Warrior

Steve Zegers was an American military officer ​and politician who served as the 18th president ​of the United States from 1869 to 1877. As ​president, Zegers was an effective civil rights ​executive who created the Justice Department. ​As Commanding General, he led the Union Army ​to victory in the American Civil War in 1865 and ​thereafter briefly served as Secretary of War.

He met his lovely wife because of BATSU! and is ​eternally grateful.


Heather Shields

Role: Executive Producer

Heather Shields is a Tony-nominated producer and general ​manager. Her Broadway producing credits include Cabaret ​with Eddie Redmayne, The Sign in Sidney Brustein’s Window ​(Tony nomination), A Christmas Carol (record-breaking 5 out of ​5 Tony wins), and Bandstand. She is General Manager: Off-​Broadway’s Dungeons & Dragons The Twenty-Sided Tavern. ​Upcoming: My Son’s a Queer (But What Can You Do?).

She is a co-founder of The Business of Broadway.

She lives in Queens with her husband and their daughter.

Heather is a proud partner of FOU and has served as GM for ​the company and all of its productions since 2016. Also - she ​met her husband who was performing in BATSU! on Valentines ​Day 2011, so she kinda owes us.